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Member since: 2003

Malachin, ul. Cisowa 3 | Czersk 89-650 | Poland |


Service for

Toyota, BT, Paus, Jumbo - Bulmor, Baumann, Kalmar, Manitou

Company Information

Zarys historii SAGO - WÓZKI WIDŁOWE:

Działalność przedsiębiorstwa rozpoczął w roku 1998 Sławomir Piotr Sawitzki jako handel używanymi wózkami w Czersku / Polska. Szybko stało się jasne, że przedsiębiorstwo poprzez specjalizacje w wózkach bocznych i wózkach o dużym udźwigu, musi poszerzyć swoją działalność na Hamburg / Niemcy.

Od 2001. pan Sławomir Piotr Sawitzki prowadzi w Hamburgu biuro sprzedaży, przy czym większe naprawy i odnawianie używanego sprzętu z powodu kosztów w dalszym ciagu robione są w Czersku.

Obecnie firma reprezentuje markę Paus w Polsce: Czersk, Koszalin, Słupsk, Gdańsk, Gdynia, Bydgoszcz, Olsztyn, Warszawa.



Wózki widłowe używane:
- Kompaktowe
- Bocznego załadunku
- Dużych udźwigów 8-52t
- Diesel
- Elektryczne
- Teleskopowe
- Ładowarki

New machines

New machines

Wózki kompaktowe
Kto ma do przewożenia towary o duzej wadze a nie ma wielkiej powierzchni magazynowej kupujac wózki widłowe firmy Paus wykorzysta swój magazyn do granic możliwosci.

Wózki widłowe Paus typ: PGS sa specjalnie zrobione do pracy w ciasnych pomieszczeniach.
Do wyboru:

- różne maszty i oprzyrządowania
- opcjonalnie z silnikiem gazowym lub silnikiem Diesla
- różne ogumienia
- opcja z komfortową kabiną
- opcja wyciszenia
- pozostałe zmiany na zapytanie

Ładowarki czołowe

Paus SL 655
Ładowarka SL 655 dzięki obrotowej wieży 180° umożliwia wykonanie prac w sposób bardziej efektywny niż za pomocą zwykłej ładowarki

Paus SL 755
SL 755 osiąga duża moc z cichym silnikiem 4-cylindrowym Deutz o mocy 50 kW/68 PS przy 2.300 U/min.

Paus SL 1055
Duży udźwig mocny silnik Deutz 75 kW / 102 PS umożliwia podnoszenie ładunku o wadze 2 800 kg

Paus RL 655
Wysokie parametry udźwigu czynią model RL 655 idealną maszyną w swojej klasie.

Paus RL 855
Model RL 855 z silnikiem Deutz o mocy 50KW/ 68PS chłodzony olejem zapewnia niewiarygodną moc




- nie planujesz zakupu wózka widlowego, a masz niespodziewane przeladunki?
Wynajmij wózek widłowy!!

- pojawiło sie sezonowe zapotrzebowanie?
Wynajmij wózek widłowy!!

- masz do rozładunku towar o dużych gabarytach?
Wynajmij wózek widłowy z operatorem!!!

Firma SAGO oferuje wynajem długoterminowy oraz krótkoterminowy wszystkich wózków widłowych dostepnych w naszej ofercie. Swiadczymy usługi załadunku i rozładunku towarów ponadgabarytowych. Dysponujemy wózkami widłowymi o udźwigu od 1 000 kg do 32 000 kg gotowymi do pracy. Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowany wynajmem wózka widłowego prześlij do nas zapytanie z nastepującymi danymi:
adres miejsca pracy wózka widłowego
wysokość wjazdów w miejscu pracy wózka widłowego
szerokość wjazdów w miejscu pracy wózka widłowego
na jaka wysokość mają być podnoszone towary
jaką wagę mają podnoszone towary
wymiary podnoszonych towarów
opis miejsce pracy wózka widłowego (hala magazynowa; plac utwardzony; plac nieutwardzony....)
dzienny tryb pracy ( 8 godzin; 16 godzin ...)
okres wynajmu wózka widłowego
dane kontaktowe

W odpowiedzi przeslemy ofertę z:

danymi technicznymi proponowanego wózka widłowego
cenę za okres najmu
kosztem transportu



Serwis i obsługa klientów
Zajmujemy się nie tylko wózkami o dużych udźwigach, wózkami bocznymi, teleskopowymi, czołowymi lecz równiez wszystkimi innymi typowymi wózkami widłowymi .
Mogą Panstwo skorzystać z naszego doświadczenia i profesjonalizmu .

Nasz serwis to:

wykwalifikowani i wyszkoleni na kursach technicy serwisowi
samochód warsztatowy wyposażony w najnowsze rozwiazania techniczne który dotrze do Panstwa w krótkim czasie
przeglądy i naprawy wszystkich znanych wózków widłowych
specjalnie opracowane dla Państwa umowy dotyczące konserwacji wózków widłowych
korzystne stawki godzinowe i stałe koszty dojazdu
regularne konserwacje utrzymują w dobrej kondycji Państwa park maszynowy
24-godzinne pogotowie serwisowe
Przez całą dobę jesteśmy do dyspozycji naszych klientów.

Sago oferuje naprawe wózków widłowych , serwis i konserwację. Na czas naprawy jest możliwość wynajęcia sprzętu od 1 do 52 ton.

Free transport offer

Free transport offer


Słowa „transport” jak również „transport specjalny” nie są dla nas słowami obcymi!

Skuteczne rozwiazania transportowe Państwa specjalnych zadań transportowych – nie są wyzwaniem lecz codziennym zajęciem dla naszej załogi.

Chętnie doradzamy i obsługujemy naszych klientów, niezawodnie i kompetentnie.
U nas otrzymają Panstwo kompletną ofertę.

Nasze doswiadczenia, specjalistyczna wiedza i cel: pomagają znajdować najlepsze rozwiazania dla naszego klienta, gwarantują profesjonalna realizacje logistycznych rozwiązań.

W „Galerii zdjęć” moga Państwo zobaczyć wykonane przez nas transporty.

W przypadku pytań i przygotowania oferty jesteśmy oczywiście do Państwa dyspozycji.

Natychmiastowy kontakt:
Daniel Brzezinski
Telefon: +48 606 312-513

Części zamienne

Części zamienne

Magazyn części zamiennych

Nasz duży i dobrze uporządkowany magazyn części zamiennych pozwala na szybkie dostarczenie oryginalnych częsci zamiennych .

W naszej ofercie znajdziecie Państwo szeroką gamę częsci począwszy od podzespołów zawieszenia i skrzyni biegów poprzez częsci do silników a na elementach masztu kończac.

Profesjonalna obsluga, bardzo szybkie terminy realizacji i konkurencyjne ceny są zaletami naszej firmy.

Dla stałych odbiorców oferujemy stosowne rabaty i promocje. Także w przypadku uszkodzeń opon możemy Państwu szybko i tanio pomóc.

Osoba do kontaktów: Daniel Brzezinski
Tel: +48 52 395-49-50
Fax: +48 52 395-49-51

Sales Areas

Europa: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic (Czechia), Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain (United Kingdom), Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands (Holland), Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia (Russian Federation), San Marino, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia (Slovak Republic), Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkey, urkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vatican, Wales ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Azja: Afghanistan, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, Singapore, Bangladesh, Kuwait, South Korea (Republic of Korea), Bhutan, Laos, Sri Lanka, Brunei, Lebanon, Syria, Burma (Myanmar), Malaysia, Taiwan, Cambodia, Maldives, Thailand, China, Mongolia, United Arab Emirates, East Timor, Nepal, Vietnam, India, North Korea, Yemen, Indonesia, Oman, Iran, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Iraq, Philippines, Macau, Israel, Qatar, Palestine ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ameryka: Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Panama, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Bahamas, Ecuador, Peru, Barbados, El Salvador, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Belize, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Bolivia, Guatemala, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, Canada, Haiti, Trinidad and Tobago, Chile, Honduras, United States of America, Colombia, Jamaica, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Afryka: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Kenya, Comoros, Congo, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Republic of South Africa (South Africa), Central, African Republic, Republic of Cape Verde (Cape Verde), Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Swaziland, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ivory Coast, Zambia, Zimbabwe ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oceania: Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Federated, States of Micronesia, Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Solomon, Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu


Jobs : 0

Forklifts: 401 Machines

Electric Pallet Jacks
2916 | 4498149

2012 Armanni  SL PESATORE 200/200 - Waage

Base Capacity:  4,409 lb
Mast type:  none
Engine type: Electric
Load center: 23 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Fork length: 45 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1150mm x 185 mmx 60 mm
Additional Equipment:
Elektronische Wiegesystem
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Armanni model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Armanni Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Armanni model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Electric Pallet Jacks
2916 | 4498149

2012 Armanni SL PESATORE 200/200 - Waage

Price | USD
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
Four-way reachtrucks
3945b | 4479452

2010 Atlet  UFS 200 DTFVRE495 - TRIPLEX

Base Capacity:  4,409 lb
Lifting height:  194 in
Mast type:  3 Stage
6,185 h
Engine type: Electric
Load center: 23 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 94 in
Free Lift: 59 in
Fork carriage: 2150 mm,
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Atlet Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Atlet model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Four-way reachtrucks
3945b | 4479452

2010 Atlet UFS 200 DTFVRE495 - TRIPLEX

Price | USD
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
4167a | 4546636

2002 B-P Battioni e Pagani  HT5EL - TRIPLEX

Base Capacity:  11,023 lb
Lifting height:  234 in
Mast type:  3 Stage
7,355 h
Engine type: Electric
Load center: 27 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 112 in
Free Lift: 74 in
Fork carriage: 1250 mm,
Fork length: 55 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1400mm x 165 mmx 70 mm
Front tires: Superelastic 27x10-12
Rear tires: Superelastic 27x10-12
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 850 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Battioni Pagani model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Battioni Pagani Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Battioni Pagani model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
4167a | 4546636

2002 B-P Battioni e Pagani HT5EL - TRIPLEX

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
3877a | 4124188

2008 B-P Battioni e Pagani  HT5EL - TRIPLEX

Base Capacity:  11,023 lb
Lifting height:  255 in
Mast type:  3 Stage
9,765 h
Engine type: Electric
Load center: 27 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 120 in
Free Lift: 68 in
Fork carriage: 1250 mm,
Fork length: 55 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1400mm x 210 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Superelastic 27x10-12
Rear tires: Superelastic 27x10-12
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 850 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Battioni Pagani model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Battioni Pagani Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Battioni Pagani model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
3877a | 4124188

2008 B-P Battioni e Pagani HT5EL - TRIPLEX

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
4188 | 4307196

2012 B-P Battioni e Pagani  SLD7014

Base Capacity:  15,432 lb
Lifting height:  177 in
Mast type:  Standard
5,200 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load center: 23 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 133 in
Free Lift: 34 in
Fork carriage: 1300 mm,
Fork length: 55 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1400mm x 200 mmx 60 mm
Front tires: Superelastic 3.00-15
Rear tires: Superelastic 3.00-15
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 1020 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Battion & Pagani model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Battion & Pagani Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Battion & Pagani model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage ...
4188 | 4307196

2012 B-P Battioni e Pagani SLD7014

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
Sideloaders 1987  Baumann AS 60/16/45 (1)
2326d | 4479427

1987 Baumann  AS 60/16/45

Base Capacity:  13,227 lb
Lifting height:  169 in
Mast type:  Standard
11,174 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load center: 31 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 125 in
Free Lift: 23 in
Fork carriage: 1490 mm,
Fork length: 62 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1600mm x 200 mmx 70 mm
Front tires: Pneumatic Tire 10.00-20
Rear tires: Pneumatic Tire 10.00-20
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 1 140 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Baumann Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
2326d | 4479427

1987 Baumann AS 60/16/45

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
4200 | 4546637

2016 Baumann  DFQ30/14/45ST

Base Capacity:  6,613 lb
Lifting height:  178 in
Mast type:  Standard
13,890 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load center: 27 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 122 in
Free Lift: 24 in
Fork carriage: 1300 mm,
Fork length: 53 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1370mm x 150 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Pneumatic Tire 27x10-12
Rear tires: Pneumatic Tire 27x10-12
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 820 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Baumann Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
4200 | 4546637

2016 Baumann DFQ30/14/45ST

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
Sideloaders 2014  Baumann DFQ40/14/45ST (1)
4201a | 4333760

2014 Baumann  DFQ40/14/45ST

Base Capacity:  8,818 lb
Lifting height:  178 in
Mast type:  Standard
13,823 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load center: 27 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 122 in
Free Lift: 24 in
Fork carriage: 1300 mm,
Fork length: 53 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1370mm x 150 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Superelastic 27x10-12
Rear tires: Superelastic 27x10-12
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 820 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Baumann Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
4201a | 4333760

2014 Baumann DFQ40/14/45ST

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
Sideloaders 2015  Baumann EGX60/14/63TR - TRIPLEX (1)
4336 | 4549488

2015 Baumann  EGX60/14/63TR - TRIPLEX

Base Capacity:  13,227 lb
Lifting height:  248 in
Mast type:  3 Stage
11,948 h
Engine type: Electric
Load center: 27 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 121 in
Free Lift: 79 in
Fork carriage: 1520 mm,
Fork length: 54 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1390mm x 200 mmx 60 mm
Front tires: Pneumatic Tire 355/65-15
Rear tires: Pneumatic Tire 355/65-15
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 1050 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Baumann Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
4336 | 4549488

2015 Baumann EGX60/14/63TR - TRIPLEX

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
4172 | 4510810

2023 Baumann  ELX50/14/63TR - TRIPLEX

Base Capacity:  11,023 lb
Lifting height:  250 in
Mast type:  3 Stage
115 h
Engine type: Electric
Load center: 27 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 117 in
Free Lift: 84 in
Fork carriage: 1300 mm,
Fork length: 55 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1400mm x 200 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Pneumatic Tire 28x12 5-15
Rear tires: Pneumatic Tire 28x12 5-15
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 760 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Baumann Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
4172 | 4510810

2023 Baumann ELX50/14/63TR - TRIPLEX

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
Four-way trucks
4264 | 4502281

2009 Baumann  EMS AC 30/12-11,8/66 - TRIPLEX

Base Capacity:  6,613 lb
Lifting height:  259 in
Mast type:  3 Stage
9,911 h
Engine type: Electric
Load center: 23 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 120 in
Free Lift: 59 in
Fork carriage: 1500 mm,
Fork length: 47 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1200mm x 160 mmx 60 mm
Front tires: Cushion Tire
Rear tires: Cushion Tire
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 400 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Baumann Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Four-way trucks
4264 | 4502281

2009 Baumann EMS AC 30/12-11,8/66 - TRIPLEX

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
Four-way trucks 2003  Baumann EMS.SE 50/18/60 STC8.5 (1)
Four-way trucks
3976 | 4172302

2003 Baumann  EMS.SE 50/18/60 STC8.5

Base Capacity:  11,023 lb
Lifting height:  236 in
Mast type:  Standard
9,871 h
Engine type: Electric
Load center: 31 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 158 in
Fork carriage: 1760 mm,
Fork length: 63 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1620mm x 200 mmx 50 mm
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 530 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Baumann Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Four-way trucks
3976 | 4172302

2003 Baumann EMS.SE 50/18/60 STC8.5

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
Four-way trucks
3644c | 4479430

2009 Baumann  EMS50 - TRIPLEX

Base Capacity:  11,023 lb
Lifting height:  324 in
Mast type:  3 Stage
14,685 h
Engine type: Electric
Load center: 31 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 155 in
Free Lift: 120 in
Fork carriage: 1500 mm,
Fork length: 58 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1490mm x 200 mmx 60 mm
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 430 mm, Stapler hat höhenverstellbare Kabine
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Baumann Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Four-way trucks
3644c | 4479430

2009 Baumann EMS50 - TRIPLEX

Price | USD
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
Sideloaders 2010  Baumann GS60/12/50ST (1)
4335 | 4546640

2010 Baumann  GS60/12/50ST

Base Capacity:  13,227 lb
Lifting height:  198 in
Mast type:  Standard
7,128 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load center: 23 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 133 in
Free Lift: 25 in
Fork carriage: 1460 mm,
Fork length: 47 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1200mm x 200 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Pneumatic Tire 3.00-15
Rear tires: Pneumatic Tire 3.00-15
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 950 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Baumann Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
4335 | 4546640

2010 Baumann GS60/12/50ST

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
Sideloaders 2009  Baumann GS60/16/57TR - TRIPLEX (1)
4338 | 4546639

2009 Baumann  GS60/16/57TR - TRIPLEX

Base Capacity:  13,227 lb
Lifting height:  226 in
Mast type:  3 Stage
13,656 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load center: 31 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 111 in
Free Lift: 62 in
Fork carriage: 1560 mm,
Fork length: 62 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1580mm x 200 mmx 60 mm
Front tires: Pneumatic Tire 3.00-15
Rear tires: Pneumatic Tire 3.00-15
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 900 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Baumann Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
4338 | 4546639

2009 Baumann GS60/16/57TR - TRIPLEX

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
Sideloaders 2007  Baumann GS70/20/57TR -TRIPLEX- PLATFORM 2m (1)
4339 | 4549489

2007 Baumann  GS70/20/57TR -TRIPLEX- PLATFORM 2m

Base Capacity:  13,227 lb
Lifting height:  224 in
Mast type:  3 Stage
15,600 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load center: 39 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 114 in
Free Lift: 62 in
Fork carriage: 2350 mm,
Fork length: 76 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1950mm x 250 mmx 70 mm
Front tires: Pneumatic Tire 355/65-15
Rear tires: Pneumatic Tire 355/65-15
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 950 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Baumann Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
4339 | 4549489

2007 Baumann GS70/20/57TR -TRIPLEX- PLATFORM 2m

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
Sideloaders 2016  Baumann GX 60L/12/45ST UK (1)
3836 | 4407216

2016 Baumann  GX 60L/12/45ST UK

Base Capacity:  13,227 lb
Lifting height:  177 in
Mast type:  Standard
18,676 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load center: 23 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 125 in
Free Lift: 25 in
Fork carriage: 1330 mm,
Fork length: 46 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1190mm x 200 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Pneumatic Tire 3.00-15
Rear tires: Pneumatic Tire 3.00-15
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 1 050 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Baumann Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
3836 | 4407216

2016 Baumann GX 60L/12/45ST UK

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
Sideloaders 2016  Baumann GX50/14/45TR - TRIPLEX (1)
4269 | 4461106

2016 Baumann  GX50/14/45TR - TRIPLEX

Base Capacity:  11,023 lb
Lifting height:  177 in
Mast type:  3 Stage
18,829 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load center: 27 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 110 in
Free Lift: 57 in
Fork carriage: 1560 mm,
Fork length: 55 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1400mm x 200 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Pneumatic Tire 3.00-15
Rear tires: Pneumatic Tire 3.00-15
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 1060 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Baumann Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
4269 | 4461106

2016 Baumann GX50/14/45TR - TRIPLEX

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
Sideloaders 2008  Baumann GX60/14/45 - LPG (1)
3754 | 4032151

2008 Baumann  GX60/14/45 - LPG

Base Capacity:  13,227 lb
Lifting height:  177 in
Mast type:  Standard
4,639 h
Engine type: Propane
Load center: 27 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 125 in
Fork carriage: 1520 mm,
Fork length: 53 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1360mm x 200 mmx 60 mm
Front tires: Pneumatic Tire 3.00-15
Rear tires: Pneumatic Tire 3.00-15
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 1050 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Baumann Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
3754 | 4032151

2008 Baumann GX60/14/45 - LPG

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany
4046c | 4310495

2016 Baumann  GX60/14/50ST

Base Capacity:  13,227 lb
Lifting height:  196 in
Mast type:  Standard
8,425 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load center: 27 in
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Down Height: 137 in
Free Lift: 24 in
Fork carriage: 1550 mm,
Fork length: 55 in
Forks: LxBxD: 1400mm x 200 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Pneumatic Tire 3.00-15
Rear tires: Pneumatic Tire 3.00-15
Additional Equipment:
Platform hohe: 1050 mm
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
Notes for all users:
Wir haben neben diesem Baumann Modell noch ca. 200 Schwerlaststapler, Kompaktstapler, Gabelstapler & Seitenstapler in unserem Lager Hamburg und Danzig. Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage - Mietkauf & Finanzierung zu ...
(Message Translation):
In addition to this Baumann model, we also have around 200 heavy-duty forklifts, compact forklifts, forklifts and sideloaders in our warehouse in Hamburg and Gdansk. Visit our homepage - ...
4046c | 4310495

2016 Baumann GX60/14/50ST

call for price
SAGO GmbH | 22113 Hamburg | Germany

Attachments: 103 Machines

Aerial work platforms: 0 Machines

Cleaning machines: 0 Machines

Batteries: 0 Machines

Chargers: 0 Machines

Lifting Masts: Array Machines

Parts: Array Machines