Členem od: 2016
Jeppe Skovgaards Vej 4 | 6800 Varde | Dánsko | www.team-truck.dk/
New and used trucks and other lifting equipment
Welcome to Team Truck
Team Truck is a nationwide company engaged in sales and service of both new and used trucks and other lifting equipment.
With us you can find:
Forklifts - including off-road forklifts
Electric stackers
Electric pallet trucks
Personal lifts / telescopic loaders / telescopic lifts
Established back in 1999, Team Truck has since helped a wide range of companies throughout the country with both delivery and service of trucks for every need.
Team Truck has state-of-the-art facilities of more than 3,000 m2. Including workshop facilities of 600 m2 and a huge spare parts warehouse, which consists of more than 15,000 different part numbers, which allows us to offer spare parts as well as servicing all types of trucks and other lifting equipment.
We also have a large showroom and a warehouse of machines where you can find a wide range of both new and used machines and lifting equipment for every
Quality conscious company with large selection
Team Truck is a company that attaches great importance to quality and therefore exclusively sells quality products - and in a wide and wide range. Our range spans a wide range of different types of trucks and lifting equipment for every need - and for every budget.
In connection with repair and servicing of trucks and lifting equipment, we also use only high quality spare parts, so that you as a customer with us are always guaranteed a good and professional repair and service.
If you would like to hear more about how we can help you, you are more than welcome to contact Team Truck by phone on 75 16 97 98 for further information.
Varde; Syddanmark
Pracovní místa : 0
Vysokozdvižný vozík: 185 Strojů
Přídavná zařízení: 17 Strojů
Pracovní plošiny: 6 Strojů
Úklidová technika: 7 Strojů
Baterie: 0 Strojů
Nabíječky: 0 Strojů
Stožáry: 0 Strojů
Náhradní díly: 5 Strojů