Member since: 2018
Fuldastr. 32 | 26135 Oldenburg | Tyskland |
Since 1991 the company Hinrichs Flurfördergeräte GmbH & Co. KG, also known as Hinrichs ForkliftsReachstacker - Hinrichs Stapler - Hinrichs Forklift -, is active in the branch of buying and selling used Container Handler - Reach Stacker - Used Forklifts – Rental forklifts Electric Forklifts - Gas Forklifts - Diesel Forklifts.
Our team consists of more than 10 Mechanics and Office Staff with vast experience.
We buy and sell used forklifts in all categories, specializing in Heavy Duty Machines and Reachstacker. We offer repair and maintenance work in our own workshop in Oldenburg - Germany.
Arround 200 Machines are on stock at any time.
Our team can provide spare parts and conduct repair works for Reachstackers and Container forklifts from different brands and build.
Kalmar, SMV, Linde, CVS Ferrari, Liebherr, Sany
Reachstacker for full & empy container
Container Forklifts for stacking
Heavy duty Forklifts from 8to - 50to.
World Wide
Jobb : 0
Gaffeltruckar: 169 Maskiner
Aggregat: 33 Maskiner
Arbetsplattformar: 0 Maskiner
Städmaskiner: 0 Maskiner
Batterier: 0 Maskiner
Laddare: 0 Maskiner
Lyftstativ: 0 Maskiner
Reservdelar: 0 Maskiner