Parking Top Marki
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Użytkownik od: 2022

20900 NE 30th Ave | 33180 Aventura | USA |


Serwis dla

Informacje o firmie

With over 500 units of used equipment, we buy, sell, rent, export and import Forklifts, Container Handlers, Port Equipment, Construction Units and Aerial Lifts, which are carefully inspected by our mechanics. We can usually give you a better price than any other company, helping you save and make thousands of dollars when moving your equipment.

From our offices and yards conveniently located across the United States, Canada and Europe, we are fully committed on providing an excellent service to our customers and suppliers in their purchases and sales of used equipment.

If you are an overseas customer, we can deliver any of our machines on a CFR basis to the closest port or border location to you.

Have any used unit you need to move out of your fleet? We can buy it, or take as a trade-in.

Do you need anything to supplement your operations? Give us a call or reach us. We can quote you in 24 hours, so you and your team can make an informed decision.

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