Abonado desde: 2010
Torbágy utca 14. | 2045 Törökbálint | Hungría | www.qlm.hu
Our main vision is to help our partners with complex warehouse management solutions, that provides predictable and efficient operation in warehouse management
QLM team members are experienced professionals in the field of storage technology and warehouse management. Besides the fast and precise warehouse management solutions we aim to build predictable and efficient warehouses for our partners with complex designing and high quality products and services.
Trabajos : 0
Carretillas elevadoras: 18 Máquinas
Implementos: 0 Máquinas
Plataformas: 0 Máquinas
Limpieza industrial: 0 Máquinas
Baterias: 0 Máquinas
Cargadores: 0 Máquinas
Mástiles de elevación: 0 Máquinas
Recambios: 0 Máquinas