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HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH

HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH

Member since: 2002

Grotrian-Steinweg-Str. 4a | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany |


Service for

Yale, Mitsubishi, Manitou, Baumann, Combilift, Herbst - ATAIR, Dulevo

Company Information

Verkauf von Neu- u. Gebrauchtstapler, Finanzierung u. Service, Fahrerschulung, Vermietung, Reparatur

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Ständig hochwertigen Lagerbestand.

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New machines

Baumann 12 Tonnen Seitenstapler

Hire & Rental

Hire & Rental

Nicht nur Geräte „von der Stange“, sondern auch „Spezialisten“, wie zum Beispiel Schwerlastteleskopstapler, warten auf Ihren Einsatz.
Unser Mietpark umfasst das komplette Portfolio unterschiedlichster Tragfähigkeiten von 1,0 – 50 Tonnen, sowie aller Antriebsarten mit unterschiedlichen Hubhöhen und Anbaugeräten.



KUNDENDIENST wird bei uns groß geschrieben

Unser kompetentes und freundliches Team steht Ihnen bei Fragen und Problemen jederzeit zur Verfügung. Ob Wartung, Reparatur oder UVV-Prüfung ... für den kundennahen Service vor Ort ist einer unserer Fachmonteure immer in Ihrer Nähe!




Jobs: 0

Forklifts: 122 Machines

2011 Baumann HX 40/14/40

17311002 | 4529799

2011 Baumann  HX 40/14/40

Capacity:  4,000 kg
Lifting Height:  4,000 mm
Mast type:  Duplex
3,500 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load Centre: 700 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Closed height: 2,850 mm
Free lift: 600 mm
Fork length: 1,380 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 1380mm x 150 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Pneumatic 27x10.12 PR24 Luft
Rear tires: Pneumatic 27x10.12 PR24 Luft
Extra equipment:
FEM 3B, Niveauausgleich +/- 100 mm, 2 Rungen kabinenseitig montiert, Zusatzhydraulik
17311002 | 4529799
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2015 Bulmor GQ 60-14-45 V

106225GQ60 | 4532818

2015 Bulmor  GQ 60-14-45 V

Capacity:  6,000 kg
Lifting Height:  4,500 mm
Mast type:  Duplex
6,100 h
Engine type: LP Gas
Load Centre: 700 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Closed height: 3,200 mm
Free lift: 1,895 mm
Fork length: 1,400 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 1400mm x 180 mmx 60 mm
Front tires: Superelastik 300-15
Rear tires: Superelastik 300-15
Extra equipment:
(Message Translation):
Commission sale, the machine is the property of the customer and has defects in the flywheel housing as well as the gear ring, starter, holder, etc. The machine also has ...
Extra comments:
Kommissions-Verkauf, die Maschine befindet sich im Kundeneigentum und hat Mängel am Schwungradgehäuse sowie Zahnkranz, Anlasse, Halter usw. Weiterhin hat die Maschine einen Defekt am linken hydrostatischen Fahrmotor (Hydraulikölverlust durch gerissenes ...
(Message Translation):
Commission sale, the machine is the property of the customer and has defects in the flywheel housing as well as the gear ring, starter, holder, etc. The machine also has ...
106225GQ60 | 4532818
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2008 Clark C80D

Diesel Forklifts
91508001 | 3520111

2008 Clark  C80D

Capacity:  8,000 kg
Lifting Height:  6,000 mm
Mast type:  Triplex
1,650 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load Centre: 600 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Closed height: 3,097 mm
Free lift: 1,995 mm
Fork carriage: 2040 mm, ISO Klasse: ISO Klasse 4 = 5.000 - 10.000...
Fork length: 2,400 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 2400mm x 150 mmx 60 mm
Front tires: Super Elastic 8.25X15 non marking
Rear tires: Super Elastic 8.25X15 -18 non marking
Extra equipment:
non-marking Reifen
Diesel Forklifts
91508001 | 3520111
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2004 Combilift C4000D

Four-way trucks
87004001 | 4622839

2004 Combilift  C4000D

Capacity:  4,000 kg
Lifting Height:  4,040 mm
Mast type:  Duplex
5,500 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load Centre: 600 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Closed height: 2,855 mm
Free lift: 1,975 mm
Front tires: Super Elastic SE 200/75-10
Rear tires: Super Elastic SE 27x10x12
Extra equipment:
Verbreiterte Kabine, Komfortsitz
Four-way trucks
87004001 | 4622839
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2015 Combilift C5000ET

Four-way trucks
87015003 | 4494815

2015 Combilift  C5000ET

Capacity:  5,000 kg
Lifting Height:  8,400 mm
Mast type:  Triplex
5,800 h
Engine type: Electric
Load Centre: 600 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Closed height: 3,830 mm
Free lift: 2,500 mm
Fork length: 2,350 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 2350mm x 170 mmx 62 mm
Front tires: Bandage
Rear tires: Bandage
Extra equipment:
Verbreiterte Kabine, Farbkamera mit Monitor, Hydr. Zinkenverstellung, Teleskopgabeln 1350 - 2350 mm 170x62 mm, Panoramaspiegel, Batterie 80V/5 HPzS/700Ah trak-air, Ladegerät 80V/120A inkl. EUW-Pumpe
Four-way trucks
87015003 | 4494815
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2017 Combilift C5000LPG

Four-way trucks
87017008 | 4622837

2017 Combilift  C5000LPG

Capacity:  5,000 kg
Lifting Height:  6,800 mm
Mast type:  Triplex
5,998 h
Engine type: None
Load Centre: 600 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Closed height: 3,290 mm
Free lift: 2,275 mm
Fork carriage: 3100 mm,
Fork length: 1,250 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 1250mm x 150 mmx 60 mm
Front tires: Super Elastic Vollgummi schwarz
Rear tires: Super Elastic Vollgummi schwarz
Extra equipment:
Verbreiterte Kabine, Straßenbeleuchtung, 3100 mm Langgutgabelträger, Farbkamera mit Monitor, Kantholzbox, Rückfahralarm White noise, Arbeitsscheinwerfer in LED, Panoramaspiegel, Joystick, Treibgastank 70 Liter
(Message Translation):
The machine is currently undergoing technical and optical refurbishment.
Extra comments:
Die Maschine befindet sich zurzeit in technischer und optischer Aufarbeitung.
(Message Translation):
The machine is currently undergoing technical and optical refurbishment.
Four-way trucks
87017008 | 4622837
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2012 Combilift C5000XL LPG

Four-way trucks
87012003 | 4622838

2012 Combilift  C5000XL LPG

Capacity:  5,000 kg
Lifting Height:  4,040 mm
Mast type:  Duplex
3,400 h
Engine type: LP Gas
Load Centre: 600 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Closed height: 2,990 mm
Free lift: 1,975 mm
Fork length: 1,350 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 1350mm x 150 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Super Elastic
Rear tires: Super Elastic
Extra equipment:
Spezialgabeln 1350x150x50 mm, Strassenbeleuchtung, Speziallackierung rot, Plattformverlängerung auf 1350 mm, Aussenspiegel, Panoramaspiegel, Rammschutz aus Gummi am Gabelrücken, Fahrersitz Compacto Comfort M
(Message Translation):
The machine is currently undergoing technical and optical refurbishment. Condition in the photos currently differs.
Extra comments:
Die Maschine befindet sich zurzeit in technischer und optischer Aufarbeitung. Zustand auf dem Fotos weicht zurzeit ab.
(Message Translation):
The machine is currently undergoing technical and optical refurbishment. Condition in the photos currently differs.
Four-way trucks
87012003 | 4622838
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2010 Combilift CB3000LPG

Four-way trucks
87010003 | 4479458

2010 Combilift  CB3000LPG

Capacity:  3,000 kg
Lifting Height:  4,980 mm
Mast type:  Triplex
5,101 h
Engine type: LP Gas
Load Centre: 500 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Serial N°: 87010003
Closed height: 2,243 mm
Free lift: 1,450 mm
Fork length: 1,065 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 1065mm x 125 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Cushion 16-7-10/5
Rear tires: Cushion 406/178-266.7
Four-way trucks
87010003 | 4479458
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2014 Combilift CBE3000

Four-way trucks
87014004 | 4713881

2014 Combilift  CBE3000

Capacity:  3,000 kg
Lifting Height:  4,900 mm
Mast type:  Triplex
2,799 h
Engine type: Electric
Load Centre: 600 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Closed height: 2,243 mm
Free lift: 1,318 mm
Fork carriage: 1325 mm,
Fork length: 1,200 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 1200mm x 125 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: SE Clip Schwarz
Rear tires: SE Clip Schwarz
Four-way trucks
87014004 | 4713881
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2023 EP Equipment F4

Electric Pallet Trucks
F362X001 | 4436379

2023 EP Equipment  F4

Capacity:  1,500 kg
Lifting Height:  105 mm
Mast type:  none
2 h
Engine type: Electric
Load Centre: 600 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Closed height: 1,190 mm
Fork length: 1,150 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 1150mm x 150 mmx 55 mm
Front tires: Tandem
Rear tires: Antriebsrad
Extra equipment:
Li-Ion Hubwagen, 1x 24V 20Ah für die gelegentlichen Verwendung, geschätzte realistische Betriebszeit: 5,5 Stunden, inkl. Ladegerät
Electric Pallet Trucks
F362X001 | 4436379
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2024 HC (Hangcha) CBD15-JC1-I

Electric Pallet Trucks
07724008 | 4723586

2024 HC (Hangcha)  CBD15-JC1-I

Capacity:  1,500 kg
Lifting Height:  200 mm
Mast type:  none
1 h
Engine type: Electric
Load Centre: 600 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Serial N°: 07724008
Closed height: 1,212 mm
Fork length: 1,150 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 1150mm x 150 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Polyurethane 80x61
Rear tires: Polyurethane 24x17-04
Extra equipment:
Electric Pallet Trucks
07724008 | 4723586
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2024 HC (Hangcha) CPCD35-XW97F

Diesel Forklifts
07724003 | 4589767

2024 HC (Hangcha)  CPCD35-XW97F

Capacity:  3,500 kg
Lifting Height:  5,000 mm
Mast type:  Triplex
2 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load Centre: 500 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Serial N°: 07724003
Closed height: 2,415 mm
Free lift: 1,585 mm
Fork carriage: 1005 mm, ISO Klasse: ISO Klasse 3 = 2.500 - 4.999 ...
Fork length: 1,200 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 1200mm x 120 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Super Elastic 28x9-15
Rear tires: Super Elastic 6.50X10
Diesel Forklifts
07724003 | 4589767
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2024 HC (Hangcha) CPCD35-XW98C-RT4

Rough Terrain Forklifts
07724007 | 4609133

2024 HC (Hangcha)  CPCD35-XW98C-RT4

Capacity:  3,500 kg
Lifting Height:  4,700 mm
Mast type:  Triplex
2 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load Centre: 500 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Serial N°: 07724007
Closed height: 2,550 mm
Free lift: 1,525 mm
Fork carriage: 1150 mm, ISO Klasse: ISO Klasse 3 = 2.500 - 4.999 ...
Fork length: 1,200 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 1200mm x 120 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Pneumatic 14-17.5
Rear tires: Pneumatic 10.0/7.5-15.3
Extra equipment:
3. & 4. Ventil mit Seitenschieber
Rough Terrain Forklifts
07724007 | 4609133
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2022 HC (Hangcha) CPD25-XD4-SI25

Electric - 4 wheels
07722005 | 4287901

2022 HC (Hangcha)  CPD25-XD4-SI25

Capacity:  2,500 kg
Lifting Height:  4,800 mm
Mast type:  Triplex
26 h
Engine type: Electric
Load Centre: 500 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Serial N°: 07722005
Closed height: 2,266 mm
Free lift: 1,495 mm
Fork carriage: 1120 mm, ISO Klasse: ISO Klasse 2 = 1.000 - 2.500 ...
Fork length: 1,200 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 1200mm x 120 mmx 40 mm
Front tires: 23x9-10
Rear tires: 18x7-8
Extra equipment:
Lithium Batterie, Rundumleuchte, Blue Spot, Panoramaspiegel, komplette Beleuchtungsanlage, Luftgefederter Sitz mit Armlehne
Electric - 4 wheels
07722005 | 4287901
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2021 HC (Hangcha) CPD35-XD4-SI21 Lithium

Electric - 4 wheels
07721008 | 4139536

2021 HC (Hangcha)  CPD35-XD4-SI21 Lithium

Capacity:  3,500 kg
Lifting Height:  5,000 mm
Mast type:  Triplex
226 h
Engine type: Electric
Load Centre: 500 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Closed height: 2,451 mm
Free lift: 1,306 mm
Fork carriage: 1100 mm, ISO Klasse: ISO Klasse 3 = 2.500 - 4.999 ...
Fork length: 1,220 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 1220mm x 122 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Super Elastic 23x10-12 Non-Marking
Rear tires: Super Elastic 200/50-10 Non-Marking
Extra equipment:
Lithium Batterie, Rundumleuchte, Blue Spot, Panoramaspiegel, Ventilator, Sitz mit Armlehne
Electric - 4 wheels
07721008 | 4139536
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2024 HC (Hangcha) CPDS10-XJ2-I

Electric - 3 wheels
07724012 | 4723585

2024 HC (Hangcha)  CPDS10-XJ2-I

Capacity:  1,000 kg
Lifting Height:  4,300 mm
Mast type:  Triplex
1 h
Engine type: Electric
Load Centre: 400 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Serial N°: 07724012
Closed height: 1,935 mm
Free lift: 1,440 mm
Fork carriage: 780 mm,
Fork length: 1,150 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 1150mm x 80 mmx 30 mm
Front tires: Nicht markierende Vollgummireifen 4.00-8
Rear tires: Nicht markierende Vollgummireifen 4.00-8
Extra equipment:
PVC Dach, gefederter Sitz, Blue Spot hinten, komplette LED Beleuchtung
Electric - 3 wheels
07724012 | 4723585
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

1989 Jungheinrich EFG-V25GE130-435DZ

Electric - 4 wheels
90998017 | 4722481

1989 Jungheinrich  EFG-V25GE130-435DZ

Capacity:  2,400 kg
Lifting Height:  4,350 mm
Mast type:  Triplex
13,984 h
Engine type: Electric
Load Centre: 500 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Closed height: 2,020 mm
Free lift: 1,400 mm
Fork carriage: 1100 mm, ISO Klasse: ISO Klasse 2 = 1.000 - 2.500 ...
Fork length: 1,300 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 1300mm x 100 mmx 40 mm
Front tires: Solid 23x10-12 40 - 60%
Rear tires: Solid 18x7-8 20 - 40%
Extra equipment:
Vollkabine mit Heizung, Komplette Beleuchtungsanlage, Blue Spot
Electric - 4 wheels
90998017 | 4722481
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2006 Linde S40

90106010 | 4616880

2006 Linde  S40

Capacity:  4,000 kg
Mast type:  none
10,500 h
Engine type: Diesel
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Front tires: Luft
Rear tires: Luft
90106010 | 4616880
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2006 Manitou M30-4

Rough Terrain Forklifts
01206029 | 4433149

2006 Manitou  M30-4

Capacity:  3,000 kg
Lifting Height:  5,500 mm
Mast type:  Triplex
Engine type: Diesel
Load Centre: 500 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Closed height: 3,055 mm
Front tires: Pneumatic Luft 16.5/85-24
Rear tires: Pneumatic Luft 10.5 /80-16
Extra equipment:
Triplex ohne Freihub
Rough Terrain Forklifts
01206029 | 4433149
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

2019 Manitou MRT 2550 Privilege Plus

Telehandler Rotating
01219005 | 3522086

2019 Manitou  MRT 2550 Privilege Plus

Capacity:  4,999 kg
Lifting Height:  24,700 mm
Mast type:  Telescopic
1,900 h
Engine type: Diesel
Load Centre: 600 mm
Battery: Batterie sonstige
Closed height: 3,050 mm
Fork carriage: 1320 mm, ISO Klasse: ISO Klasse 3 = 2.500 - 4.999 ...
Fork length: 1,200 mm
Forks: LxBxD: 1200mm x 150 mmx 50 mm
Front tires: Pneumatic Luft
Rear tires: Pneumatic Luft
Extra equipment:
Bühnenvorbereitung, Vorbereitung Tüv 20km/h
Telehandler Rotating
01219005 | 3522086
on request
HFH Herbst Gabelstapler und Lagertechnik GmbH | Braunschweig 38112 | Germany

Attachments: 7 Machines

Access Platforms: 19 Machines

Cleaning Machines: 0 Machines

Batteries: 0 Machines

Chargers: 0 Machines

Lifting Masts: 0 Machines

Spare Parts: 1 Machines