Member since: 2021
Carrer Alfarers, 18 | Ribarroja de Turia 46190 | Spain |
Toyota, Still, Jungheinrich, Mitsubishi
DAYVILIFT is a company with more than 10 years of experience in the machinery sector for handling and transporting goods.
We are also aware that today we must be competitive in terms of prices, for this the internal structure of DAYVILIFT continues to adapt to the times so that changes do not affect the final price of our services.
We have our own equipment for rent as well as qualified personnel with the tools and the measurement equipment necessary to carry out maintenance and repair tasks as soon as possible and without having to depend on the official house.
Our goal is to offer companies equipment where the operator only has to worry about his work and where the stops due to machinery breakdown are the minimum and as short as possible, for this we are committed to attending and diagnosing each part of failure in less of 24h.
All this is achieved by giving each client a personalized and direct treatment in which they are informed at all times of the situation of their equipment.
Our final objective is the complete satisfaction of our client and the creation of a working relationship with which the client always feels comfortable.
Nuestros equipos de alquiler estan completamente revisados, incluyendo en la cuota el mantenimiento, las averias y el seguro de responsavilidad civil obligatorio.
Con nuestros equipos de alquiler el cliente solo se preocupara de trabajar de todo lo demas se encarga DAYVILIFT.
Ofrecemos soluciones de alquiler tanto a corto como a largo plazo siempre con los mejores precios y la mejor garantía.
Dayvilift dispone de personal cualificado asi como las herramientas necesarias para poder realizar las operaciones de mantenimiento y reparacion de sus equipos de manutencion sean de la marca que sean.
Tambien disponemos de cualquier repuesto que necesite para la reparacion de su carretilla elevadora, apilador, transpaleta y en general de cualquier equipo de manutencion.
En caso de necesitar cualquier repuesto puede llamar por telefono o rellenar el formulario de consulta incluyendo la marca, modelo y numero de serie del equipo.
Ribarroja de Turia
Jobs: 0
Forklifts: 1 Machines
Attachments: 0 Machines
Access Platforms: 0 Machines
Cleaning Machines: 0 Machines
Batteries: 0 Machines
Chargers: 0 Machines
Lifting Masts: 0 Machines
Spare Parts: 0 Machines