Medlem siden: 2020
Plac Kościeleckich 3 | 85-033 Bydgoszcz | Polen |
Promstahl is the leading European manufacturer and supplier of docking solutions, industrial doors and other industrial products, warehouse equipment and automatic parking systems.
Please see the link to our websites:; (mother company)
An important part of our buisness activity build the sales, rental and service of forklift trucks.
Our strategy is to have the trucks on stock to be able to meet the customers ecpectations quick and professional. Our main offer bulid Toyota, Hangcha, Promlift trucks, as well as wide range of used machines.
Jobs : 0
Gaffeltruck: 18 Apperater
Påbygningsaggregat: 0 Apperater
Arbejdsplatform: 0 Apperater
Rengøringsteknik: 0 Apperater
Batterier: 0 Apperater
Opladere: 0 Apperater
Master: 0 Apperater
Reservedel: 0 Apperater