Medlem siden: 2019
Techniekweg 1 | 3401 MH IJsselstein | Holland |
Lisman Forklifts is specialised in international wholesale of used material handling equipment. Our family company has a tradition of more than 50 years. At this time the third generation is co-running the company.
Lisman is a loyal partner for every professional who is active in the material handling industry. We solely sell to trade and rental companies; professionals who actively purchase, sell or rent used equipment, where-ever in the world.
Jobs : 0
Gaffeltruck: 269 Apperater
Påbygningsaggregat: 0 Apperater
Arbejdsplatform: 0 Apperater
Rengøringsteknik: 0 Apperater
Batterier: 0 Apperater
Opladere: 0 Apperater
Master: 0 Apperater
Reservedel: 0 Apperater