Medlem siden: 2024
Šenkvická 14/W | 90201 Pezinok | Slovakiet |
Combilift, Crown, Hyster, Jungheinrich, Linde, Nissan, OM, SMV
no information
We are a specialized company with a 28-year tradition in servicing, sales, and rental of handling equipment. We are authorized dealers of Mitsubishi and Crown for the Slovak Republic.
Jobs : 0
Gaffeltruck: 8 Apperater
Påbygningsaggregat: 0 Apperater
Arbejdsplatform: 0 Apperater
Rengøringsteknik: 0 Apperater
Batterier: 0 Apperater
Opladere: 0 Apperater
Master: 0 Apperater
Reservedel: 0 Apperater