Mitglied seit: 2015
Kirtimu g. 47b | 02244 Vilnius | Litauen |
Linde, Terberg, Terex, Johnston
Alwark started trade in loading equipment and warehouse machinery in 2007. Today, Alwark is among the leading companies in the Baltic region that offers a variety of world famous brands of machines for warehousing and stacking, seaport and airport equipment and municipal equipment. The key priorities of Alwark are the quality of products and services, professional employees and reliable servicing.
Baltic States,
Stellen: 0
Gabelstapler: 14 Geräte
Anbaugeräte: 0 Geräte
Arbeitsbühnen: 0 Geräte
Reinigungstechnik: 0 Geräte
Batterien: 0 Geräte
Ladegeräte: 0 Geräte
Hubmasten: 0 Geräte
Ersatzteile: 1 Geräte