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Condition: used
Forklift ID: 4528721/4528721
Baumann Sideloaders HX 40/12/45
Location: Kęty
16,842 USD
Retail price

Dealer price
Last updated: 07/04/2024
Engine type Diesel

Base Capacity 8,818 lb

Year 2003

Running hours n/a

Engine/Charger Perkins

Weight 14,219 lb

Lifting mast 
Mast type 2 Stage

Lifting height 177 in

Down Height 120 in

Free Lift No

Front Tires Pneumatic Tire

Description 250/75R-12

Rear Tires Pneumatic Tire

Description 27x10-12

Additional Equipment 
Full cabin

Retail price 16,842 USD

Dealer price

Notes for all users
Baumann HX 40/12/45 wózek widłowy bocznego załadunku
rok produkcji 2003
udźwig 4000 kg
maszt duplex
wys. podnoszenia masztu +/- 4500 mm
wys. konstrukcyjna masztu +/- 3050 mm
napęd diesel
silnik Perkins
waga +/- 6450 kg
opony przód 250/75R-12 PN
opony tył 27x10-12 PN
wym. platformy +/- 4090 x 1220 mm

(Message Translation):
Baumann HX 40/12/45 side loading forklift
year of production 2003
lifting capacity 4000 kg
duplex mast
mast lifting height +/- 4500 mm
construction height of the mast +/- 3050 mm
diesel drive
Perkins engine
weight +/- 6450 kg
front tires 250/75R-12 PN
rear tires 27x10-12 PN
pronunciation platforms +/- 4090 x 1220 mm

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