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Condition: used
Forklift ID: 415239/415239
Durwen Multi-pallet handlers, 2/1 DPK 25 C
Location: Poznań
519 USD
Retail price

Dealer price
Last updated: 10/14/2024
Machine Data
Make Durwen

Base Capacity 5,511 lb

Opening range 22 - 76 in

ISO class 2

Load center 600

Year 2009

Overall weight 1,201 lb

General information
Technical Description pasuje do wózka 1,5-2,5tony. Suits to a 1,5-2,5T truck. Prowadnice wytarte, ślizgi do wymiany, sprężyny gazowe do wymiany,, luzy, ale generalnie sprawny. Widły nie pod UDT. Sliding elements and gas springs need to be renewed. Forks worn . Generally

Location Poznań

Overall Width 47 in

Arm length 47 in

Retail price 519 USD

Dealer price

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