Member since: 2024
1625 East Euclid Avenue | Des Moines 50313 | USA |
All, Clark, Unicarriers, Sellick, Snorkel
Our specialty is FORKLFTS!
Sales | Rentals | Parts | Service | Financing, We pride ourselves on being that family owned, "one-stop-shop" you don't see everyday. Over 48 Years of servicing our communities, We have grown and developed into a leading material handling provider in the Midwest, Allowing for us to provide a broader range of products to our valued customers. This includes: Industrial batteries & chargers, battery handling products, specialty attachments, fork extensions, warehouse racking, dock equipment, safety lights, stretch wrappers, and many other warehousing products.
80+ years of combined sales experiance,
150+ years of combined parts & service. We can provide the right material handling solution at a moments notice!
“Forklifts of Des Moines” was founded in 1976 as “Clarklift of Des Moines, Inc.” by Chuck and Ellie Radcliff and has been family-owned ever since then through three generations! We solidify our foundation on excellent customer service and by providing quality, reliable solutions that meet or exceed our customers’ material handling needs. In 1996 Clarklift expanded west, opening “Clarklift West”, serving Nebraska and Western Iowa.
Clarklift of Des Moines, Inc., to provide a broader range of material handling solutions, expanded product offerings. In 2011 we felt it was time for a name change to better reflect the wide range of material handling solutions we can offer our business partners. January 1, 2011, Clarklift of Des Moines Inc. began doing business as Forklifts of Des Moines and Forklifts of Omaha.
Iowa, Nebraska
Jobs : 0
Forklifts: 191 Machines
Attachments: 0 Machines
Aerial work platforms: 0 Machines
Cleaning machines: 0 Machines
Batteries: 0 Machines
Chargers: 0 Machines
Lifting Masts: 0 Machines
Parts: 0 Machines