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Condition: normal
Forklift ID: e3c33174/72099
Mercedes-Benz Bucket truck 410 D +DenkaLift MK22
Location: Bystřany
14,719 USD
Retail price

Dealer price
Last updated: 09/17/2024
Machine Data
Make Mercedes-Benz

Type of Equipment Bucket truck

Model 410 D +DenkaLift MK22

Year 1994

Mechanical Condition normal

Visual Appearance normal

Carrier vehicle
Engine type Diesel

More information
Location Bystřany

Retail price 14,719 USD

Dealer price

Notes for all users
boční dosah 10m

nástavba 2 nezávislé pohony:
centrála Honda GX160 (5.5) + ele/baterie
(ač nedobré oba, aku již nedrží = výhoda použití i při nabíjení)

plná dokumentace

Máte zájem o tuto plošinu?
Kontaktujte mě a ráda si s Vámi o tom pohovořím.
Možnost zajistit výhodné financování i na SK.

Bc.Černoskutova Viktorie
+420 608 244 ...

#denkalift #pracovníplošina #autoplošina #montážníplošina #arbeitsbühne

ID 8139_S
u Kolína

(Message Translation):
lateral reach 10m

superstructure 2 independent drives:
central Honda GX160 (5.5) + electric/battery
(although both are not good, the battery no longer holds u003d advantage of use even while charging)

full documentation

Interested in this platform?
Contact me and I will be happy to talk to you about it.
The possibility to secure favorable financing also in SK.

Bc. Černoskutova Viktorie
+420 608 244 ...

#denkalift #working platform #car platform #assembly platform #arbeitsbühne

ID 8139_S
near Cologne

CZECH M.A.T. s.r.o.
Bystřany 41761 | Czech Republic
Member since: 2021

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